Connect in Community


  • Community Groups

    The very essence of our name and who we are at Communitas. We believe God does not want us to live alone but in relationship with others. To encourage and grow with one another in our desire to know and follow Christ. Our groups take many shapes and sizes and we would love to help you join an existing group or start a group of your own. We have two types of groups to join or start.

    Missional Communities: gathering around a common group mission or passion impacting an area of society and they seek to influence this area together. Examples may include but not be limited to People with disabilities, music lovers, mental health practitioners, going into jails, reaching the arts community, praying and serving the persecuted believers in the world, street ministry, healthcare workers, young adults. and recovery groups.

    Life Groups: encourage and equip people to be missional in their workplace or the area of influence they already feel called to. Examples may include praying for lost family members/prodigals, encouraging educators, neighborhood groups, and parenting.

    To find out more and get connected email us here

    Click Here to Find out our current Community Groups

  • DNA Groups

    A DNA Group usually consist of 3-4 people—men with men, women with women—who meet together weekly to be known and to bring the gospel to bear on each others lives.